Spill it! Introductions, please!
Hi, I am Nan Philip. I am a publicist and blogger based in New York City. By day I run my business, Nan Philip Consulting, where I work with interior designers and female-founded lifestyle brands on public relations, influencer management and marketing projects. And then by night and in my free time, I share my favorite finds and musings on my blog and Instagram account, @Nan-Philip. I share a range of content from needlepoint projects and décor updates to classic wardrobe staples and minimalist beauty products.
I sort of fell into the world of public relations, if you asked me what a publicist was when I was in college I probably would not have known exactly what they did. I have always loved beautiful décor and interior design, so I always hoped to have a career in that industry. While I was in college, a family friend connected me with my first boss, Elizabeth Blitzer, who is a publicist for countless interior designers and home décor brands. I went to intern for Elizabeth during the summer after my junior year of college and returned after I graduated. From there, I was at Blitzer & Company for a few years and then held a few other PR and marketing positions before going out on my own in 2021.
It was certainly a bit nerve wracking to start my own business at 27 years old but it was also really exciting! I have learned so much over the past few years and I love being my own boss and having a lot of autonomy. I will say, one thing I miss is having colleagues and peers to brainstorm with or simply just chit chat with throughout the day. In time, perhaps I will build out a team but right now while I am a one woman show I have built a really nice group of friends who also have their own businesses, and I sort of think of them as my colleagues as we will often run ideas by each other, get feedback, etc.
We love following you on instagram and when you share your latest finds on your blog! What inspired you to start your blog and what excites you the most about what you’re building?I started my blog back in 2014 when I was a sophomore in college - it is so crazy to say that because it feels like a lifetime ago! I had read blogs for years and felt like I was lacking a creative outlet, so I figured why not give the world of blogging a try (even if it was just my mom who was reading it!)
Over the years my blog has gone through lots of different iterations but I continue to enjoy having a palace to share new finds and my favorite things.
While I aim to share a wide range of lifestyle content on my blog and instagram (from travel recaps to home decor as well as recent needlepoint projects and beauty reviews) the majority of my content tends to focus on clothing and building a classic and elegant wardrobe. I am not really one for fashion trends, but instead am always searching for the perfect pieces I can wear for years to come. I am tall and have always had a bigger build (5’11 and usually a XL or XXL) and while there are countless women whose style I admire, almost none of them are my size. As of late, I am really trying to lean into this and hopefully fill a void in the blogger community by sharing my classic and timeless style on a mid-size/plus size body.

Best piece of career advice?
First impressions count - be on time, learn someone’s name, look people in the eye, be prepared and take notes!
What’s next for the world of Nan? Be it your blog or consulting business. Nan/ Simply Elegant?
I just moved into a new apartment in Manhattan, so I am excited to dive into designing the apartment and making it feel like home. It is a bit bigger than my last apartment, so I am also excited to entertain more often! I will certainly be sharing a lot of that process on my instagram.
Unpacking Travel Wisdom: What are your top 5 must-pack items? Anything out of the ordinary?
Patterned Scarf. I love to always print a pretty scarf with me when I travel because it can instantly help you change up an outfit and feel a tad more pulled together. It is also great for a cold airplane or when a night is a bit chillier than expected.
Splurge on a Hermes Shawl 140 (you can often find for less on The Real Real or Ebay) or for a more wallet friendly option from By Merryn.
A Black Dress - I love a versatile black dress! This is one of those items you will wear multiple times on your trip.
Comfortable Sneakers - I swear by these sneakers anytime I go on a vacation where I will be walking a lot - they are super comfortable, affordable and look just as great paired with jeans as a cute little dress.
- Portable Charger - I swear by this portable charger, I always have one with me in my purse. It has a built-in plug so you can always charge it and then also three built-in cords so you can easily charge any device (iphone, ipad, kindle, etc.)
- Bonus Item: Travel Belt - I learned about this genius product last year from my friend Madison and it has been such a lifesaver while at the airport. It is an adjustable belt strap that allows you to keep your tote bag steady on top of your roller suitcase.
Pack less! I bet we can all agree that we usually don’t wear everything in our suitcase. I think while we pack and plan for a trip, we forget that you can wear something more than once.
Could you walk us through your packing process? How do you plan out your outfits to avoid (or try to avoid) overpacking?
I lay out all my outfits on my bed before I pack; I am a really visual person so I like to see all the items I am bringing and think through my outfits for each day. From there, I can easily refine and edit down what I am bringing by realizing that I can wear one pair of pants with a few different tops or the same shoes for this look or that look. I usually stick to neutrals for my core wardrobe pieces - pants, jackets, tops, sweaters and shoes. But then I like to add a pop of color through a scarf or fun dress.

I usually am in some combination of jeans, a simple t-shirt, a patterned scarf, a cozy jacket and ballet flats or loafers.
Coat. Scarf. T-Shirt. Jeans. Shoes. Bag.
The Magic of Packing Cubes:
I must have been living on a rock because I never used packing cubes until Neely & Chloe launched them last year, and as always, I trust all things Neely & Chloe for travel so I quickly placed an order. Oh my gosh - packing cubes are such a game changer! They keep me so much more organized and help me squeeze more into my carry on suitcase.
Have you found specific innovative uses for the packing cubes that others might not be aware of?
I have found out that the Medium Size Packing Cube (the rectangular one that is 12 x 5 inches) is perfect for shoes! I never seem to keep those shoe bags that often come with your shoes when you buy them, so having this packing cube size has been a perfect way to keep my shoes from touching my other clothes inside my suitcase.
Walk us through how you strategically pack your packing cubes. Any layering or organizing tips you can share for N&C Packing Cube beginners?
I keep things really simple and straightforward - just classic folded items stacked on top of each other. I tend to group things - either packing all the pieces of one outfit together within one cube or all my tops in one cube, all my exercise clothes in another, etc.
Inside Nan's Bag:

We're all curious – where are you headed next and how are you using your packing accessories?? Could you give us a peek into your essentials?
I don’t have any big trips planned over the next few months - Autumn in New York is my favorite season so I try to be home as much as possible. But I will have a few trips to Boston to see my family (my niece is turning one in September!) I will certainly be using my Garment Bag - I love how lightweight it is!
And then I am headed to Hawaii in November with my family - I have never been there before so I am really excited for that trip.