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Discover Our Atlanta Pop-Up Shop

Neely & Chloe Neely & Chloe
We’ve always believed that providing in-person experiences for the Neely & Chloe woman is critical. Despite the digital age we live in, time and time again we keep coming back to the idea that there is something special about walking into a store that feels fresh and clean. While it is not the only way we reach our customers, setting up shop in their neighborhoods and bringing them that sophisticated retail experience - at an attainable price point - really matters to us. Enter our newly-opened pop-up shop in Atlanta.
Neely & Chloe As we get our footing in this new city, it's essential to us that there is a consistent feeling across the brand's online and offline experience. We were lucky to work with our friend Cassie Mabee to take what we had built as a brand and translate it into a tangible setting. As far as the aesthetic goes, we wanted it to feel clean and sophisticated - but welcoming. So, Cassie took design elements from our office and previous pop-ups like lucite, brass, velvet, and of course our signature N&C light blue, and brought them to life in our Atlanta shop. We want customers to feel like they're walking into a beautiful space, and in a perfect world, feel like they never want to leave!
We've gotten to know the city quite a bit over the last year through a few smaller trunk shows, and we're continually impressed with the style and taste level of Atlanta shoppers. With such positive reception from that community, we decided it was time to make a bigger commitment!
Neely & Chloe With that said, we're hoping to make a splash with collaborations and partnerships that align with the Neely & Chloe brand. For instance, we are so excited about our neighbors at West Side Provisions and to also bring some of the pals we made along the way down to Atlanta too! We’ve had our friends from La Ligne at the shop, and we have a few more exciting guests over the next few months (hint: we hope you like Tuckernuck). In the coming months, we will also be doing some shopping events and weekend brunches. Neely & Chloe
All of this to say, we're just getting things started this season, and we're looking forward to meeting all our new customers and getting to know what works best for this particular city. Keep your eyes & ears open as we share more Spill It! interviews, travel stories, and postcards from inside our Atlanta shop here on Ampersand! - Neely Burch
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