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Making a Case for Vanity

We have always had a bit of a soft spot for vintage luggage and travel accessories. And although a great big steamer trunk isn’t exactly practical anymore, we’re constantly looking for ways to fold those concepts into our modern world. Our solution? The Vanity Case.
While we love our cosmetic cases, which are perfect for lotions and makeup or anything that might spill, they’re typically made for items that already come in a case. Think of your powder compact or hard stick of mascara- they protect themselves! The Vanity Case is our alternative to this as they are protectors in and of themselves. For instance, Chloe and I both have a bit of a penchant for big, fun earrings. We’ve packed them away in a suitcase only to arrive and find them bent or broken one too many times. This particular case keeps everything safe from the many bumps and bruises via travel on planes, trains, and automobiles.
Our Vanity Case is another one of those items that we can file under the ‘Neely and Chloe love a good ode to the past’ category. Whether you're traveling or want a compact place at home to store your tried-and-true beauty essentials, this product is beautiful with its clean lines and simplicity - but it’s also very practical! Its structure makes it the perfect way to pack delicate jewelry or anything in a glass bottle, like your favorite perfume. The handle pulls up so you can carry it easily with one hand or lays flat so it packs squarely in your suitcase.
Closer to home, I’ve been working on improving my beauty routine lately. I’m always envious of those women who seem to have the perfect lotion to brighten up their skin in the morning and the night cream to rejuvenate at night! So, while I’m not entirely there yet, the Vanity Case gives me the perfect excuse to finally sit down and commit to more research. Consider this my new year's resolution! - Neely Burch
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